Quality Living Styles

Delicious Salads

Salads & Sambals

The salad recipes can be accessed by clicking on the links above. The links to the left and bottom lead you to other sections of Quality Living Styles including a number of varied recipes.

The recipes in this section are for vegetarian and vegan salads. The ingredients are vegetables, fruit, nuts, lentils, seeds, grains, yogurt and a limited amount of canned products. The salads can be a meal by itself, especially those with tofu, zucchini and nuts. When you choose to serve salads you will be adding wholesome, nutritious food to your diet.

Wash all vegetables and those like zucchini, carrots and cucumber should be lightly scraped. I think it is safer to wash even pre-packed salad greens that claim to have been washed. Soak them for a few minutes in salted water or use a product designed for washing vegetables. You may find this in the produce section of supermarkets. After rinsing off the vegetables, use a salad spinner to get rid of excess water. You may want to dab the vegetables on paper towel as well.

Go slow on salad dressings as they may contain large amounts of oil that detract from the benefits of eating wholesome salads. Croutons, cheese and many of the sides that are available at salad bars may also be fattening. Try using sprinklings of lemon pepper or just lemon juice. There are many egg free dressings that are available at some health stores or supermarkets. Many resemble the original products like mayonnaise, Thousand Islands and Ranch Dressing.

The recipes for the salads are simple to make and will make your meals more interesting. Do check them by clicking on the links above

If you have any questions or would like to add a recipe of your own, email me, Nirmala, at email address
I will be happy to help in any way I can. The site will be regularly updated with tasty recipes and hints and tips. You can also reach me at Contact

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